Rob Wray

CEO, Whitebox

Rob Wray

CEO, Whitebox


Whitebox handles all aspects of retailers’ online sales, freeing businesses from the same chaos that once hampered Mp3car. We’ve helped internet retailers cut down on overhead and grow to new sales channels, and we’ve assisted brick-and-mortar retailers as they sell their products online for the first time.

My efforts to help others use technology go beyond Whitebox. At the beginning of my career, I founded Innovative Technology, a consulting and computer repair business focused on helping small businesses profit by using the right technology. I still occasionally work with Innovative Technology clients. In 2010, I worked with the victorious O’Malley-Brown Gubernatorial campaign as the Technology and New Media Director. In 2012, I served as the Community Actions Director for the TEDx Global Summit, where I supported community leaders from around the world as they turned ideas into action.


All session by Rob Wray

Ecommerce Automation & Our Global Journey

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Maestro Ballroom, Floor 4